Thomas Teresi

Currently working as a Computer Vision Engineer at DeepX Inc. in Tokyo, Japan where my main focus is on creating fast, robust, and generalized deep learning models for easy application to any industry. I have extensive working knowledge of Commputer Vision with a primary focus on deep learning. On top of computer vision based deep learning, I have extensive experience with utilizing deep learning for NLP applications. Previous experiences includes:

  • 5 years of experience in computer vision and deep learning in the sports industry

  • Assisting in the very early stages of an NLP start up for marketing and news sentiment tracking

If you'd like to discuss any potential deep learning problems or opportunities to utilize computer vision that your company may have, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am always excited to discuss AI, computer vision, and machine learning. I am also open to consulting higher level items such as the management and design of AI projects.

I must respectfully decline all requests or questions in regards to mass surveillance due to ethical concerns. Please do not contact me about any jobs concerning this field. Although, if you have questions regarding disrupting the mass surveillance industry or merely to have ethical discussions, you are welcome to discuss those.

If you would like my CV, please send me an email at the gmail link below, or add me on LinkedIn.